Black Jewfish
Fish Species of North Queensland

Black Jewfish – Protonibea Diacanthus
Jewies are a cousin of the Southern Mulloway and look fairly identical apart from their scales which are much darker and have a black spot, hence the name. Their preferred habitat is around deep structure, wrecks and inshore reefs.
They are not a common capture in the Cairns region, but the occasional report of specimens to 20kg sure keeps local anglers on their toes. Heavy gear is essential, fresh baits fished around the deep structure area during the bottom of the tide or slow making tide the best.
Black Jewfish are more prominent further north and the tip of Cape York holds good numbers of these big brutes. The rocky headlands out from the mouth of the Daintree river also provide good holding ground for Jewies.
Excellent eating, hard fighting and available in XOS sizes makes this fish a prime target but apart from a few well known spots their numbers and consistency of capture are not prolific. Size and bag limits apply.